
App Drawer Alignment

The drawer is a component that holds the sidebar and controls things such as positioning in the document or within a more complex layout.

You can configure the alignment of the main drawer from store/settings.js. Possible values are start and end. These values correspond to left and right, however they are called start and end because they take RTL into consideration.

export const state = () => ({ state: { 'default::mainDrawer': { align: 'start' } } })

App Sidebar Skin

The sidebar is a component that holds various elements like the sidebar menu. It's also responsible for applying a skin to these elements. You can inspect the application sidebar used in the main drawer from vendor/vue-luma/components/Sidebar/Sidebar.vue.

Configure the sidebar skin of the main drawer from store/settings.js. Possible values are light and dark. The values correspond to configuration keys in store/sidebarConfig.js.

export const state = () => ({ state: { 'default::mainDrawer': { sidebar: 'dark' } } })

Layout Settings

We can have different settings per layout. The following example configures the application sidebar skin and drawer alignment for the boxed layout.

export const state = () => ({ state: { 'boxed::mainDrawer': { align: 'start', sidebar: 'light' } } })