Basic usage
import {
} from 'vue-luma'
export default {
components: {
<!-- Page Content -->
<template v-slot:default="{layoutProps}">
<!-- Nuxt -->
<nuxt v-bind:layout-props="layoutProps" />
<!-- or Vue Router -->
<router-view v-bind:layout-props="layoutProps" />
<!-- Or Inertia.js -->
<slot v-bind:layout-props="layoutProps" />
<!-- Other -->
<template v-slot:after-layout>
<!-- Additional after layout components -->
<!-- For example, we're adding the app settings here -->
<!-- Replace Navbar Component -->
<template v-slot:navbar>
Replace Navbar Component
<!-- Replace Navbar Content -->
<template v-slot:navbar-content>
Replace Navbar Content
<app-layout :sidebar-menu="sidebarMenu">
<!-- Replace Sidebar Component -->
<template v-slot:sidebar>
Replace Sidebar Component
<!-- Replace Sidebar Content -->
<template v-slot:sidebar-content="{sidebar}">
<div class="sidebar-heading">Replace Sidebar Content</div>
<fmv-sidebar-menu :menu=""
class="mb-24pt" />
<pre class="sidebar-text"
v-text="" />
import {
} from 'vue-luma'
import {
} from 'fmv-layout'
export default {
components: {
computed() {
sidebarMenu() {
return [{
"label": "Home",
"route": {
"name": "layout",
"params": {
"layout": "default"
"icon": {
"type": "md-icon",
"id": "home"
<!-- Footer Content -->
<template v-slot:footer-content="footerProps">
<p class="text-70 brand mb-24pt">
<img class="brand-icon"
{{ footerProps.footerBrand }}
<p class="text-50 measure-lead-max small">A beautifully crafted user interface for modern Education Platforms, including Courses & Tutorials, Video Lessons, Student and Teacher Dashboard, Curriculum Management, Earnings and Reporting, ERP, HR, CMS, Tasks, Projects, eCommerce and more.</p>
<pre v-text="footerProps" />
<!-- Footer Links -->
<template v-slot:footer-links>
<p class="mb-8pt d-flex">
<a class="text-70 text-underline mr-8pt small">Terms</a>
<a class="text-70 text-underline small">Privacy</a>
<!-- Footer Copyright Text -->
<template v-slot:footer-copyright-text>
Copyright 2020 © All rights reserved!
<!-- Footer Description Text -->
<template v-slot:footer-description-text>
Hello World!
<!-- Other -->
<template v-slot:after-layout>
<!-- Additional after layout components -->
<app-layout> Reference
<app-layout> Properties
Property | Type | Default Value |
body-class | String | |
sub-layout | Boolean | |
sub-layout-has-scrolling-region | Boolean | true |
sub-layout-drawer | Object or Boolean | |
sub-layout-drawer-id | String | |
sub-layout-drawer-align | String | end |
sub-layout-responsive-width | String | 992px |
sidebar-type | String | dark-pickled-bluewood |
sidebar-variant | String | |
sidebar-brand | String or Boolean | Brand |
sidebar-search | Boolean | true |
sidebar-search-form-class | String or Array or Object | |
sidebar-brand-class | String or Array or Object | |
sidebar-menu | Object or Array | |
navbar-class | String or Array or Object | |
navbar-toggle-class | String or Array or Object | |
navbar-type | String | light |
navbar-variant | String | body border-bottom-2 |
navbar-container-class | String or Array or Object | d-flex w-100 align-items-center |
navbar-content-container-class | String or Array or Object | d-flex w-100 align-items-center |
navbar-brand | String | Brand |
navbar-brand-class | String or Array or Object | |
navbar-full-sample-guest-mode | Boolean | |
navbar-search | Boolean | |
has-footer | Boolean | true |
footer-class | String or Array or Object | bg-white border-top-2 |
footer-container-class | String or Array or Object | |
footer-brand | String | Brand |
footer-logo | String or Boolean | |
footer-copyright-year | String or Number or Boolean | |
footer-copyright-text | String or Boolean | |
footer-description-text | String or Boolean | |
drawer-layout-class | String or Array or Object | |
drawer-layout-responsive-width | String | 992px |
drawer-layout-content-id | String | drawer-layout-content |
container-class | String or Array or Object | container page__container |
drawer-align | String | start |
<app-layout> Slots
Slot | Description |
default | The page content. |
navbar | Replace Navbar Component |
navbar-content | Replace Navbar Content |
sidebar | Replace Sidebar Component |
sidebar-content | Replace Sidebar Content |
footer-content | Replace Footer Content |
footer-links | Replace the footer links |
footer-copyright-text | Replace the footer copyright text |
footer-description-text | Replace the footer description text |
footer | Replace Footer Component |
Frontend Matter
Beautifully crafted Bootstrap themes and templates for modern web apps.
Copyright 2020 © All rights reserved.
Illustrations by Freepik Storyset