Project Structure

The Compiled Application

The dist/ directory contains your compiled application which you can deploy. This directory is created when building the web application with npm run dev or with npm run build.

dist ├── 200.html ├── ├── _nuxt ├── data ├── favicon.ico ├── images ├── index.html └── ro

Nuxt Configuration

By default, Nuxt.js is configured to cover most use cases. This default configuration can be overwritten with the nuxt.config.js file. More information about the available options in the documentation.

├── nuxt.config.js


The layouts/ directory contains your Application Layouts. More information about the usage of this directory in the documentation.

layouts ├── ├── blank.vue ├── boxed.vue ├── default.vue ├── error.vue ├── fixed.vue └── sticky.vue


The pages/ directory contains your Application Views and Routes. The framework reads all the *.vue files inside this directory and create the router of your application. More information about the usage of this directory in the documentation.

pages ├── ├── _layout │   ├── billing-history.vue │   ├── billing-invoice.vue │   ├── billing-payment.vue │   ├── billing-upgrade.vue │   ├── billing.vue │   ├── blog-post.vue │   ├── blog.vue │   ├── change-password.vue │   ├── discussion.vue │   ├── discussions-ask.vue │   ├── discussions.vue │   ├── edit-account-notifications.vue │   ├── edit-account-profile.vue │   ├── edit-account.vue │   ├── faq.vue │   ├── forgot-password.vue │   ├── help-center.vue │   ├── index.vue │   ├── instructor-courses.vue │   ├── instructor-dashboard.vue │   ├── instructor-earnings.vue │   ├── instructor-edit-course.vue │   ├── instructor-edit-quiz.vue │   ├── instructor-profile.vue │   ├── instructor-quizzes.vue │   ├── instructor-statement.vue │   ├── login.vue │   ├── messages.vue │   ├── pricing.vue │   ├── signup.vue │   ├── student-course.vue │   ├── student-courses.vue │   ├── student-dashboard.vue │   ├── student-lesson.vue │   ├── student-my-courses.vue │   ├── student-my-paths.vue │   ├── student-my-quizzes.vue │   ├── student-path.vue │   ├── student-paths.vue │   ├── student-profile.vue │   ├── student-quiz-result.vue │   ├── student-skill-assessment.vue │   ├── student-skill-result.vue │   ├── student-take-course.vue │   ├── student-take-lesson.vue │   ├── student-take-quiz.vue │   ├── teachers.vue │   ├── ui-alerts.vue │   ├── ui-app-layout.vue │   ├── ui-avatar.vue │   ├── ui-cards.vue │   ├── ui-chart-area.vue │   ├── ui-chart-bar.vue │   ├── ui-chart-doughnut.vue │   ├── ui-chart-line.vue │   ├── ui-chart-radar.vue │   ├── ui-drawer-layout.vue │   ├── ui-drawer.vue │   ├── ui-fixed-layout.vue │   ├── ui-form-image-group.vue │   ├── ui-forms.vue │   ├── ui-header-layout.vue │   ├── ui-header.vue │   ├── ui-icons.vue │   ├── ui-input-group-merge.vue │   ├── ui-perfect-scrollbar.vue │   ├── ui-sidebar-menu.vue │   ├── ui-sidebar.vue │   ├── ui-syntax-highlight.vue │   └── ui-tabs.vue └── index.vue


The components/ directory contains your Vue.js Components.

components ├── Page.vue ├── └── Settings.vue


The locales/ directory contains localization files. Translations here are available globally in your app.

locales ├── en.json └── ro.json


The middleware/ directory contains your application middleware. The middleware lets you define custom function to be ran before rendering a page or a group of pages (layouts). More information about the usage of this directory in the documentation.

middleware ├── └── settings.js


The mixins/ directory contains Mixins, a flexible way to distribute reusable functionalities for Vue components. A mixin object can contain any component options. When a component uses a mixin, all options in the mixin will be “mixed” into the component’s own options. More information about the usage of mixins in the documentation.

mixins ├── layout-config.js ├── main-drawer.js ├── navbar-config.js ├── settings-config.js ├── sidebar-config.js └── sub-layout.js


The assets/ directory contains your un-compiled assets such as LESS, SASS, or JavaScript. More information about the usage of this directory in the documentation.

assets ├── ├── images └── scss


The plugins/ directory contains your Javascript plugins that you want to run before mounting the root Vue.js application. More information about the usage of this directory in the documentation.

plugins ├── ├── charts.js ├── highlight.js ├── layout.js ├── quill.js └── vendor.js


The static/ directory contains your static files. Each file inside this directory is mapped to /. Example: /static/robots.txt is mapped as /robots.txt. More information about the usage of this directory in the documentation.

static ├── ├── data ├── favicon.ico └── images

Vuex Store

The store/ directory contains your Vuex Store files. More information about the usage of this directory in the documentation.

store ├── ├── index.js ├── layoutConfig.js ├── navbarConfig.js ├── settings.js ├── sidebarConfig.js └── sidebarMenuConfig.js