Client Structure

The Compiled Application

The public/ directory contains your compiled client application and static assets. This directory is updated when building the client application with npm run dev or with npm run prod.

JavaScript Resources

The resources/js/ directory contains your client application JavaScript and Vue components. The main entrypoint which loads the rest of the application is app.js


The resources/js/Layouts/ directory contains your Application Layouts.


The resources/js/Pages/ directory contains your Application Views.


The resources/js/Pages/Demos/ directory contains the demo Application Views. The pages here are mapped to dynamic layout routes from routes/web.php as :layout/:page which results in routes like http://luma-laravel.test/app/home which will set the layout to app and will load the page home


The resources/js/Components/ directory contains your Vue.js Components.


The resources/js/locales/ directory contains localization files. Translations here are available globally in your Vue app.


The resources/js/Mixins/ directory contains Mixins, a flexible way to distribute reusable functionalities for Vue components. A mixin object can contain any component options. When a component uses a mixin, all options in the mixin will be “mixed” into the component’s own options. More information about the usage of mixins in the documentation.


The resources/js/plugins/ directory contains your Javascript plugins that you want to run before mounting the root Vue.js application. More information about the usage of this directory in the documentation.

Vuex Store

The resources/js/store/ directory contains your Vuex Store files.

Application Style

The resources/scss/ directory contains your un-compiled SCSS style.